If you’ve followed us on social media, you have seen a bit of our overwhelm as we have struggled to show up as we would like. One factor involved in that was everything happening with Dungeons and Dragons and the new OGL leaks that have happened. We’ve been evaluating options and trying to figure out our path forward. As a result, Dungeons and Disabilities has been rebranded to Nerd Out of Spoons to help distance from everything happening with the OGL. We believe in open source table top gaming. We want to help all kinds of publishers be able to create the content that they want to create. As a result, we have joined the ORC Alliance of table top role playing game creators to create an open gaming license. We are strongly committed to helping boost marginalized voices and we are working hard within the alliance to ensure that it will be a license that will not bar those voices from the market. There will be changes coming to the website to help reflect some of our efforts and it likely will take us a bit to find a balance for our regular content schedule and doing this important work. We’re still here and we are still fighting for our cause.
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