Traditional Editing Resources
No matter what challenges you face, we want to see your work in print. Our goal is to help you strengthen your pitches and queries so you can find your best fit in an agent or editor.
Sensitivity Reading
People with misconceptions about marginalized experiences regulate those lives from those misconceptions. We aim to increase representation of underrepresented communities by providing our expertise to authors who don’t experience these things so that they can write about the experiences authentically and respectfully.
Non-fiction Book Proposal Coaching and Editing
Non-fiction book submissions are different than novels. Work to learn those differences, polish your proposal, and put yourself in the best place for your non-fiction piece to be published.
Query Letter Coaching and Editing
If you want to be traditionally published, odds are you are querying agents and editors to get your work in front of them. Get feedback on your letter and make sure it is polished and ready for submission.
Pitch Coaching
A good pitch can help your story find the right editor or agent to take another look at your work. Get practice and tips pitching your work to help you give your work the best chance to shine.